Sunday, April 10, 2011

In Kindergarten

Every day, in addition to lunch, we had a snack time. Naturally, we were supposed to bring our own snacks, but in case we forgot, the teacher had bags of old stale cereal that we could have. Usually, there was only one kid that always forgot his snack and had to eat the cereal. It was the same kid that would pick off anything that was dried to the bottom of the table. This was usually glue, because I guess as kindergarteners we liked to waste our glue by smearing it onto the tables. I don't know. We would always pick on the kid for doing this and say that he ate the glue and boogers from the tables. It is entirely possible that he did eat the crap he picked off the tables.

This kid was later put into the special needs classes.

As for the daily snacks, I only remember one time where I was forced to eat the stale cereal. I hadn't forgotten my snack. My snack was ruined that day.

At some point during the day, another kid from my class (I have no other memories of this kid from kindergarten, but later had classes with him in seventh grade) decided he wanted my backpack in the bathroom. He grabbed it and started pulling and yelling at me to give it to him. I held on and screamed back that it was mine. After he finally wrestled it from my grasp, he immediately threw it on the ground and jumped on it several times.

My snack that day was going to be graham crackers. One of my favorites. When the other kid repeatedly jumped on my backpack, he crushed the graham crackers into crumbs and busted the plastic bag they were stored in. The small front pouch of my backpack was full of crumbs and I had no snack for the day.

I believe I went crying to the teacher about what happened and she gave me the plastic bag of cereal. I think it might have been apple jacks. I'm not sure. I didn't eat much of it. I wanted my graham crackers, not stale, dry apple jacks.

I don't know or remember why the other kid stomped on my backpack that day. I wonder if I had said or done something to him earlier.
